Phoenix Vibrational Healing™

How to Clear Discordant Energy

Why clear neagtive or discordant energy?

Many, if not most of the physical items and belongings in our life and home have absorbed and contain negative or discordant energy. This energy tends to accumulate in physical items and can even radiate from the belongings into our environment. Foods or consumables containing this negative or discordant energy (or vibrations) can be taken on by our own physical body which then can affect our ability to maintain positive energetic states. At the very least, the more of this negative or discordant energy that we consume, wear and have in our environment, the more of our positive energy it requires to overcome or off-set the negative. The net result is that we tax our energetic reserves causing stress to the physical and subtle bodies.

Often we are not consciously aware of this additional stress because of other stressors and challenges in our daily life. If we can simply clear this stress-inducing negative energy and infuse massive amounts of positive life force energy into these same objects and consumables, our food and environment will more effectively support our lives, health and goals. It has also been shown that stress can severely compromise our immune system and deplete its effectiveness to ward off pathogenic agents. In fact, we have received testimonials from people that support the possibility that use of the following clearing procedure has been instrumental in negating some pathogenic agents.

A student of ours recounted a story where she attended an office dinner party where everyone, except for her, soon thereafter became affected with food poisoning. She was the only person there that blessed her food and transmuted the negative energy within it before dining. We have had similar reports of this phenomenon from others. While this may have simply been a coincidence or our student may have a far superior immune system we may never know. However, we do know that everything has energy inherent within it and that energetic conditions can affect the physical body.

We have also seen numerous instances where the use of this clearing technology has cleared negative thought-forms from food. Radionic assessment has shown that this procedure clears vast amounts of negative energy and infuses high amounts of positive life force energy whenever it is used.

This clearing procedure utilizes Sacred Geometry clearing technology in the form and use of numbers and Sacred Symbols. This procedure is a very basic example of how Sacred Geometry and Sacred Symbols can alter, transmute and reorganize energy and subtle physical matter. Advanced forms of this clearing technology, utilizing Sacred Geometry and Sacred Healing Codes and Symbols are the heart of the Phoenix Vibrational Healing™ work.

If you wish, you can conduct a little experiment before and after the clearing, to experience the difference. If you are energetically sensitive, hold a bottle of room temperature water in the left hand and “feel” it to establish a base reference before doing the clearing. Essentially, feel the water and its energy output or radiance. Conduct the clearing and again feel the energy of the water with the left hand. It’s not too difficult to feel a pulsation of energy emanating from the water after the clearing – some may even feel the energy pulsing all the way up the left arm.

How to Clear Negative Energy with Sacred Geometry

Generally you want to do the Do Before All Clearings first. However - with this technique, you can do it immediately when you realize there is something you want to clear of negative energy. You can even use the "Move It in Time" Mudra if you don't realize until some time later that you would like to clear it. (Shown in the Mudra video.)

The sacred symbol that we will be using for this technique is the circle. The circle has been universally recognized by cultures for eons to symbolize the One Infinite Creator of All That Is. The circle itself denotes continuity. It is without beginning or end, continuous and everlasting. Through the use of this circle, this sacred symbol, we can also define a specific area or location within which clearing will occur, or data to initiate healing can be entered and contained.

The data that we will be feeding into this circle is in the form of numbers. All numbers carry specific vibrational frequencies, as do all colors, sound, form, shape, geometry, words and language. However, for the purposes of our present application, we will be utilizing the vibrational frequencies of numbers infused into a field bounded by this Sacred Symbol.

The procedure, in essence, consists of circling the object you are wishing to clear with the right hand in a clockwise direction while repeating (preferably aloud) the sequence of numbers that represents the data we are infusing into the Sacred Geometric Symbol. At this point, the data or numbers impart a specific frequency into the field of our intention (the circle) in order to accomplish the clearing work. Understand that this and all other forms of healing are essentially Spiritual healing techniques. All healing is at its core a form of Spiritual healing, regardless of what it might appear. This particular clearing is essentially a non-denominational form of concentrated prayer in the format of Sacred Geometry and vibration.

For example, let’s say you are about to sit down to dinner and you have your food and beverage in front of you.

The clearing procedure is conducted as follows:

Circle your food and beverage with the right hand in a clockwise direction, while you say out loud the following statement:

9 9 6 1, 9 9 6 1, 9 9 6 1 intensify and magnify, thank you, Creator of All That Is.

The clearing is now complete, and most, if not all, of the negative and discordant energy contained within your object has been transmuted and tremendous amounts of positive life supporting energy have been infused.

The term “intensity and magnify” serves as an amplifier for the clearing, and the data entered into the circular field. In effect, it intensifies and magnifies the potency of the clearing process.

In the example given above, with the bottle of water, you may now feel the water again to verify its energetic radiation.

We can also use this clearing technique to transmute negative and discordant energy throughout our entire environment. For instance, we can stand at the corner of a room and describe a very large circle with our right hand and arm which encompasses everything within our field of vision while performing this clearing. We can then go to the diagonally opposite corner of the room to perform the clearing again, and encompass all physical objects within a given space.

This clearing can even be taken one step further. By going into a centered or meditative state, you can with visualization and intention, rise above your entire home and property and conduct the clearing downwards to clear your entire property and everything upon it. As we take our consciousness above our home, we’re operating in the realm of no-time and no-space. The technique is every bit as effective by this method, but it must be done with clear will and intention.

This clearing is particularly important when we bring home new purchases that may contain negative or discordant energy. You may want to perform this clearing upon your entire automobile prior to unloading your groceries. If you have family members who may be unaware of this clearing technique, it’s best to perform this clearing on a whole-house basis at least once a week.

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